182 - 2025 - The World enslaved by a Virus

Published: Jan. 28, 2022, 4:05 a.m.


Your Stupid Minds opens 2022 by covering Twitter\\u2019s latest punching bag: a Christian film where a group of German Christian youth start a religious movement in an oppressive dystopian society by spray painting Jesus fish on trees and mailing people DVDs. It\\u2019s 2025 - The World enslaved by a Virus (2021).

Taken directly from the description: "It\\u2019s 2025, The world as we have known in 2020 does not exist anymore. The Virus changed the world, and communism is all over the place. A global world language developed, meetings are illegal, traveling is illegal, and Christianity is illegal. A group of Christians is trying to fight back."

Roy (writer and director Joshua Wesely) is a young(ish) man trying to be Christian in a world where it\\u2019s banned. He and his sister Hannah (Antonia Joy Speer) spray Jesus fish around the place until Hannah is shot by one of the government\\u2019s goons. They eventually ban together with an ex-Marine, a hacker, and a woman on the inside named Leila (played by Wesely\\u2019s now-wife) to spread the gospel and keep out of reach of the authorities.

This description sounds a lot cooler than what is actually in the film. The reality of what\\u2019s presented is a muddy, sloppy, half-written mess of meandering scenes, a surprising lack of conflict, sub-iMovie special effects, and ear-bleedingly bad Christian rock songs played in their entirety.

Due to the recent heat from this film and the suspicious and unconfirmed age difference between Wesely and his now wife, both of their Instagram accounts are currently set to private. We\\u2019ll go into more detail about that in the episode.
