Leading By Example

Published: Aug. 22, 2019, 11:01 p.m.

Robert Antoinin, founder of Leadership Lessons

Robert is on a world-wide mission to help leaders become better communicators, motivators and innovators in the workplace. Specifically, Robert shares strategies on how to: 1) work with difficult people 2) improve employee morale and 3) motivate under-performing employees.

For more than 20 years, while working in the retail & service industries, Robert successfully led sales teams to exceed their personal “Leading those, that don’t want to be led” and professional revenue goals. In addition, Robert consistently increased profitability while managing dozens of multi-million dollar operations. Often times, his knack for exceeding company performance metrics led to multiple awards and promotions throughout his career.

Robert’s ability to manage deadline driven environments has uniquely equipped him to understand the challenges that leaders face today. “Planning is great, but As a result of Robert’s varied experiences, he has learned the art of execution is everything!” turning his workplace horror stories into thought provoking lessons to instruct and train.

As a mentor and volunteer, Robert has worked with non-profit and faith-based organizations to educate young people and to host several events in his community. Since 2005, Robert has been speaking and entertaining audiences in schools, local businesses and government offices around the country.