Kayleigh Wichmann, of Child Bridge Montana

Published: June 26, 2019, 2:20 p.m.

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On this month's podcast with our friends at Child Bridge, Kayleigh Wichmann, Billings Director of Community Outreach & Support, joins us for an eye-opening conversation about how the needs for children experiencing abuse and neglect in the summer months actually increase in heartbreaking ways that we need to be aware of. She also shares how the Church can help be the answer, and display Jesus, to break this cycle! Kayleigh shares vital and practical ways you can help protect those in need. She also shares exciting opportunities and the incredible ministry that summer camps provide to those in the foster care system. There's a lot of hope and possibilities that come through crystal clear in this conversation as Kayleigh shares both in her wisdom and expertise, but also from personal experience of what life was like for her as a child in need once herself. Come on in and join us...and then pray about what the Father would have you do to end the trend of summertime need in ways that bring hope, help, and healing in very real ways!