Welcome Mercury Retrograde! How it Can Help Your Career

Published: Sept. 9, 2016, 5:07 p.m.

Boy does Mercury retrograde get a bad rap or what? Okay so it interferes with technology and breaks down communication channels. Never buy a new computer or car they tell us. While we're in the middle of yet another retrograde cycle, we decided this would be the perfect time to explore ways to use Mercury retrograde to our advantage. After all, it can't be all that bad...can it? In this podcast, Tom and Aubrie engage with the energy of Mercury retrograde and give you practical steps for taking advantage of it. It's actually a great time for many, many activities. In fact, there are a large number of positive influences you'll definitely want to find out about. Learn practical tips for using this time to benefit your career, look for a new job, explore meaningful work and reconnect with people who want to help. www.careerastrologers.com www.facebook.com/careerastrology