Yi-Tan Call 334: Rebuilding Detroit

Published: July 3, 2011, 4:16 p.m.

b"Few cities are as iconic of America's industrial and civic fall as Detroit (http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/gallery/2011/jan/02/photography-detroit#/?picture=370173060&index=15).\\n\\n\\n\\nDewayne Hendricks (http://yi-tan.wagn.org/wagn/Dewayne_Hendricks) grew up in Detroit and left. Recently he returned, to see where and how he might help revive his city.\\n\\nIf we can sort out what's wrong in Detroit, he figures, we may sort out larger issues, too.\\xa0To start, as part of the upcoming Maker Faire Detroit (http://makerfaire.com/detroit/2011/), Dewayne is bringing (http://maker.warpspeed.com/) James Burke's Connections (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connections_%28TV_series%29) notions to the vast collections of The Henry Ford Museum (http://www.thehenryford.org/).\\n\\nWith Dewayne, let's discuss:\\n\\n\\t* What kinds of initiatives have traction now in Detroit? What models and words work?\\n\\t* How do local citizens address rebuilding?\\n\\t* Where is Detroit headed? Will it be a city farm, a cluster of inburbs or something else?\\n\\nHere are some more resources of interest for our call:\\n\\n\\n\\t* Detroit Works Project (http://detroitworksproject.com/)\\n\\t* Hacking Metro Detroit (http://www.metromodemedia.com/features/metrodetroithackerspace0168.aspx)\\n\\t* Ford Rotunda (http://apps.detnews.com/apps/history/index.php?id=188) by Bucky Fuller\\n\\t* Creative Detroiters quietly rebuild... (http://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/09/28/vbs.detroit.lives/index.html?hpt=C1)\\n\\t* Detroit Memory Project (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Kod7vzbQk)\\n\\t* All these links and more in my Brain (http://webbrain.com/u/12TU) online.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nYi-Tan Tech Community Call 334 - Rebuilding Detroit -"