The Deeper End of the Parsha-The Shechinah Brothers and Knowing where your Letter lies

Published: April 17, 2020, 1:50 p.m.

b'Rabbi Worch-Co host of theChavrusaand acclaimed translator of theBnei Yessascharchooses Kabbalistically tinted passages from theAlshich\'s commentary on Chumash to Parshas Shmini that explain why Aharon and Moshe\'s participation were essential in the Mishkan Inaugural and what that "Eighth Day" represented and wrought.Get ready to understand the four worlds in a manner that rises above the Medieval/scientifically unsound perception of the early Jewish philosophers constructs and in a way that aligns with and deepens the first statements contained in Pirkei Avos,the mantra of Shimon HaTzaddik.The last third of the class reveals a novel take on why some persons have a natural inclination to certain parts of Torah scholarship or particular Mitzvos and acts of kindness and support,while others move in completely different directions.Rabbi Worch masterfully delineates the stark disagreement between the Alshich and his contemporary the Arizal on this crucial point which is the key in capturing your Chelek in the world to Come,and is based on the 600,000 root souls that left Mitzrayim and how all Jews till the end of our history are bound to some letter contained in the living Book of Torah.We thank the Illinois Center for Jewish Studies for the use of this materialPlease leave us a review or email us at ravkiv@gmail.comFor more information on this podcast See for privacy and opt-out information. This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:'