Rabbi Aryeh Klapper on Halacha BiShaas Hadchak

Published: April 6, 2020, 5:56 a.m.

b"Rabbi Aryeh Klapper is Dean of the Center for Modern Torah Leadership, Rosh Beit Midrash of its Summer Beit Midrash Program and a member of the Boston Beit Din.Rabbi Klapper is a widely published author in prestigious Hebrew and English journals. He is frequently consulted on issues of Jewish law from representatives of all streams of Judaism and responds from an explicit and uncompromised Orthodox stance.In this Shiur, given recently as a ZOOM video conference,Rabbi Klapper brings to the fore the essential sources behind the decisions necessary to navigate the Corona lockdown,in allowing otherwise unacceptable Halachic positions.e.g. listening to the Megillah reading on Purim,or holding a Minyan through video or teleconference,using a bathtub for a women's Mikvah needs.The Rabbi takes us through a number of the germane Talmudic texts in Sukkah and Nidah,with special emphasis on the opinion of the Tanna Rebbe Yehuda Bar Ilai who regularly allows questionable actions to stand once performed,and the debate between Rashi and Tosfos of how Rebbe Yehuda HaNasi was able to stand by what appeared as a mistaken Psak,due to the principle of Shaas HaDachack.Rabbi Klapper delineates the parameters of reliance on minority opinions due to great monetary loss by investigating the essential argument between Rav Moshe Issereles and Rav Yoel Sirkis as to the significance of Halachic stature the Posek that one wants to rely on holds among the normative majority.Turning to the fascinating Machlokes between the Raavad and Rosh if a dried out Lulav or Esrog can ever be seen as an object to truly fulfill the Mitzvah of the Torah,Rabbi Klapper after expertly staking out the Rosh's extremely novel position, finds precedence in the compromise position of the Bais Yosef to laying a groundwork of adaptation to the situation that confronts us.Rabbi Klapper's warning of indiscriminate use of Halachic opinions penned in the last century when the technology and physical constructs were extremely different is an important call to be heeded by the Poskim attempting to provide direction to a Klal Yisroel overwhelmed by the changes wrought by Covid-19The Yeshiva of Newark @IDT is proud to partner with Rabbi Klapper to help spread his scholarly thoughtful ideas and Halachic insight to as wide an audience as possible .Please visithttp://www.torahleadership.org/for many more articles and audio classes from Rav Klapper and to find out about his Summer programs as well as Rabbi Klapper's own podcast sitehttps://anchor.fm/aryeh-klapper.Please leave us a review or email us at ravkiv@gmail.comFor more information on this podcast visityeshivaofnewark.jewishpodcasts.org See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate"