WTF 074: The Big Problem With A Happy Life

Published: Jan. 11, 2017, 11:28 p.m.

Today I wanna talk about a problem that I see. And the problem is with a happy life.
I mean, we see this all the time, right? People are looking for a life of smooth-sailing and blissed-out happiness. But lemme ask you this...

What’s your biggest dream that’s deep down in your heart?
Whatever your wildest dream is, I ask you this…
Say I could make that dream a reality for you. Right now. Today. In this moment. That was your reality...

Would having what you want be easy? Or would having it force you to face challenges bigger than most challenges you’ve ever faced before?

We think that our biggest dreams will make us happy… but the reality is far from that.

So what do we actually do?

Here’s the key...

It’s not that we shouldn’t wanna follow our dreams. We should!!!
But instead of wishing for a life that’s challenge-LESS, we need to TRAIN for the challenges.
Ahead of time!!!

Are you training for the life you actually want? Or are you foolishly just wishing it’ll fall into your lap one day by doing the same things you’ve always done?

In other words… are you more focused on SURVIVING than you are on THRIVING?! Which do you think is the wisest approach?
If you’re ready to TRAIN for the life you want, that’s what I call “mastering your Inner Game”.
You want to make it so that when the challenges arise, you’re prepared so that you can seize the opportunity.

So many of us stay stuck in this loop of trying to avoid these things because we’re not training for the challenges. We’re not actually doing the deep, inner game immersion and overcoming some of those limiting beliefs and inner roadblocks. We’re not committed to upgrading our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels and evolving to go beyond that... to actually actualize our potential and to create the best version of ourselves!
Sure, success is great, but what does it actually TAKE to get there?
It’s the Inner Game.

And if you’re interested in immersing yourself with the Inner Game, I’ve created a 10-week training program to dive deep into how to become the best version of yourself.

Find out more at

Not some glorified, success-promising, make-a-million-dollars crap, but the DEEP work to remove the limiting-beliefs and blind-spots that are there.

...To overcome whatever fear is standing between you and what you want

...To master your mind, optimize your energy, and get you connected to something bigger, whatever that is.

We’ll be doing this through comfort-zone challenges and training your mind through engaging in deep practices. This is not an informational thing where I give you “7 things you should learn” or memorize. This will be *experiential*.

You’ll go out into the world, show up at your best and at the end of the 10 weeks, if you engage in the program, you’ll be in one of the best shapes that you’ve ever been in your life in ALL of these areas.

I’m beyond excited to take my best work, bring it to you with a community and be by your side as we go into the deep Inner Game to create the outer success that we’re inspired to have.