WTF 069: 44 Months of World Travel without Flying w/ Niall Doherty

Published: Nov. 21, 2016, 11 a.m.

Welcome to the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.
In today's episode, Jacob is interviewed by Niall Doherty.

Niall has traveled all around the world without flying and helps people get started working online. He has lived everywhere from Ireland, to Tenerife, to a trailer park in New Jersey.

In this podcast you will learn:

- How Niall got clear he would travel the world for 3+ years

- When it does (+ doesn’t) make sense to quit your job to travel

- A 3-step “threat assessment” process to overcome fear

- The 3 main components to self-sabotage

- How to uncover and retrain limiting-beliefs

Thanks for rocking with us on today's podcast! Drop a comment and let us know your favorite big idea. It’ll help rewire your brain to ensure you don’t forget what you’ve heard. And besides all that brainiac business, we’d just love to hear from you :)

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