254 Automatic content creation with Bertha.ai

Published: Nov. 11, 2021, 1 p.m.

b"So perhaps you're really into writing. You live and breathe it. You wake up in the morning and can't wait to get out the laptop and start bashing away. The ideas flow out of you all the time; never ending. You're like a tap fully turned on. Mmm. This is not you though is it. It's more likely that you need to write, have to write, are required to write, but sometimes the ideas just don't come to you. You stare at the blank screen and your artistic juices don't flow. You get stuck, frustrated and write less than you need to. You're a rusty tap, dripping once in a while! What you need is some help. You need something to give you a little push; to set you on the road. Bertha.ai is a WordPress plugin which brings A.I. writing help into your website content creation process. Wherever you write text in your WordPress website, Bertha is there to give you a hand, to help you get started. Find out how it works and what it's useful for. Check out the podcast..."