014 Fresh Eyes: Coming Back To Your Story After A Break

Published: Dec. 4, 2018, 9 a.m.

The boys got cut short by technical difficulties today. Not by much, but we lost the last couple minutes of the podcast. You didn't miss much. Just the fact that you can find us on facebook, instagram, reddit, and Twitter by searching our name: World Builders Anonymous. 

It's been a hot second since the boys sat down to write, and they discuss coming back to their stories with fresh eyes this week. In their ongoing mission to find the best way to finish a novel and avoid world building stalls, they've decided to take the pieces they've put together so far and use them to go back and flesh out their outlines a bit more. How much tweaking is too much though? How do you keep yourself from the vicious circle of burnout, new start, burnout, new story, etc?