Roadtrippin' - 12 Monkeys 2.05

Published: March 7, 2019, 11 a.m.

b'Beep & CC are joined by Aimee to discuss 2.05 \\u201cBodies of Water\\u201d\\n\\nAimee enters the gauntlet, to be continued\\u2026.\\nRoadtrips with snacks...and without snacks\\nFuture Olivia & Future Jennifer set this day in motion\\nBodies & water\\nThe many layers to Old Jennifer & Cole meeting \\nThis what happens when you play God and you don\\u2019t know your lines\\nThe magical comedy of jealousy\\nDebate club: Deacon\\u2019s proposed execution\\nBoys\\u2019 road trip!\\nWeapons grade irony\\nThe epic return of Deacon\\nAimee\\u2019s Ode to Tom Noonan\\nWitness Olivia & Old Jennifer are playing three dimensional chess\\n Jennifer playing the role of the idealized independent woman \\nGirls\\u2019 road trip!\\nMedication, fictional primaries & real world mental illness\\nOlivia co-opted Jennifer\\u2019s childhood trauma\\n\\u201cMaybe that crazy can help save the world\\u201d\\nCasa de Childhood Trauma & the drawings\\nDaughters without mothers\\nThe evolving significance of the Word of the Witness \\t\\tPivotal turning points for Jennifer & Olivia\\t\\nThe Pallid Man\\u2019s moment of triumph is the beginning of his downfall\\u2026\\t\\n...and the rise of Olivia the Witness\\t\\nThis day is a story about corrected emotional experiences of trauma\\nCasserole: important moments for a romantic slow burn Cole is a different kind of sci fi \\u201chero\\u201d\\nSymbolic steps forward'