Judy Williams on Women Worldwide

Published: Dec. 16, 2016, 2:55 p.m.


Judy Williams, the founder of iHalt, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Judy\\u2019s non-profit organization\\xa0promotes understanding, accountability, and mutual respect between at-risk youth and\\xa0EMTs, police, and firefighters. After spending 18 years in education, Judy launched\\xa0iHalt as a\\xa0movement\\xa0to raise awareness about safety and to\\xa0foster mutual respect and harmony\\xa0between first responders and the general\\xa0community.

On the show, Judy discusses her work with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Her programs teach consideration and mutual respect through activities that build trust. When children have a relationship with police officers they are more likely to respect and cooperate under different situations outside of the iHalt program. At the same time, the more police officers and other first responders interact, they, too, have a much better understanding of the people living in their communities. Parents are also involved in the program so the iHalt learning and relationship building continues into the home.\\xa0Judy also shares how she approaches big challenges. \\u201cIf it\\u2019s worth it, stay the course. Don\\u2019t believe anyone\\u2019s negative self-talk. You must believe your own truth, which is right for you.\\u201d

A little more about Judy Williams \\u2026 \\xa0Judy founded iHalt\\xa0in 2015, in the wake of events in Ferguson,\\xa0Baltimore, and Cleveland. Judy realized, now,\\xa0more than ever\\xa0is the time to educate future generations of children about the cooperating with law enforcement,\\xa0understanding and respecting cultural and racial differences,\\xa0and\\xa0maintaining\\xa0good citizenship.

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