Igniting Wonder About the World We Live In with Jess Phoenix

Published: Jan. 12, 2018, 1:25 p.m.


In our time producing Women Worldwide, I have spoken with people from all walks of life. I\\u2019ve interviewed entrepreneurs, inventors, and educators from around the world. But today is a first. I don\'t think we\'ve ever had a volcanologist on the show. Meet Jess Phoenix, a professional field scientist who\'s running for the California Congress.


In addition to her hands-on work as a volcanologist and burgeoning political career, Jess is executive director, principal investigator and co-founder of a revolutionary environmental scientific research organization called Blueprint Earth. She\'s also a fellow in the Explorer\'s Club, a featured scientist on the Discovery Channel and Science Channel and a TEDx speaker. Her work has been covered in Popular Science Magazine, NASA\'s FameLab on National Public Radio, CNN international and on This Week in Science. Her mission is to inspire everyone to tap into their innate curiosity, igniting wonder about our planet and the world we live in.


Stay tuned to hear incredible stories from Jess\\u2019s professional life and find out how she\\u2019s using her scientific background to fuel political change and encourage people around her.


In This Episode

  • What entrepreneurs can learn from Jess\\u2019s episode with horse thieves
  • Proof it\\u2019s never too late to learn a new skill or passion
  • The benefits of leveraging social media
  • How doors open when you don\\u2019t shy away from saying \\u2018yes\\u2019
  • Why you don\\u2019t have to be the best at what you do


Quotes in This Episode

\\u201cBeing curious about a number of different things is okay. You don\'t have to focus or specialize too early because you can change directions\\u2026 You can get into things at any age. It doesn\'t require you doing it from when you\'re five or anything like that.\\u201d \\u2014Jess Phoenix


\\u201cYou always have to think about what the greater cause is and that\'s what keeps you going even when it\'s rough \'cause it\'s not all fun and games. It\'s not all campfires\\u2014I mean sometimes you deal with horse thieves.\\u201d \\u2014Jess Phoenix


\\u201cWe are humans, we are so adaptable. So that\'s what we have to do. We have to adapt to the challenges and that means be flexible, be creative, and solve those problems.\\u201d \\u2014Jess Phoenix


\\u201cIt doesn\'t matter what your problem is, if it\'s an erupting volcano, a flat tire, God knows what! You just look at it, and you just take it apart, piece by piece. And you figure out how you\'re gonna get out of this situation you\'re in, and you just do your job.\\u201d \\u2014Jess Phoenix


\\u201cYou don\'t have to be the best, but you have to be so good that they can\'t ignore you.\\u201d \\u2014Jess Phoenix



Jess Phoenix for Congress

Volcano Jess

Connect with Jess on Twitter, Facebook, and here and here on Instagram
