LISTENER WEEK: Writing about your job. The evolution of the buggy. Community quilting.

Published: Aug. 27, 2020, 11:51 a.m.

LISTENER WEEK: Josie Channer and Teresa Devereux are both listeners who felt that they had to write novels about what they’d experienced through their work. Josie’s written Diary of a Prison Officer and Teresa’s based her novel Broken Lives on what she saw and heard as a social worker. They tell Jane about how they published their work and what they hope readers will get out of their books. Sarah Fraser is an associate professor at Princess Nourah Bint University in Riyadh, the largest female-only university in the world. She got in touch because she wanted to talk about the supportive and collaborative there,. She believes that despite most people believing the opposite, a country like Saudi Arabia does not oppress women. Rothna Begum, senior women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch with focus on the Middle East adds her perspective. Plus the evolution of the pushchair and the joys of community quilting. Presenter Jane Garvey Producer Beverley Purcell