Day 820 – Non-Hypocritical Integrity – Wisdom Unplugged

Published: March 13, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

Wisdom-Trek / Creating a Legacy
Welcome to Day 820 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.
This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom
Non-Hypocritical Integrity – Wisdom Unplugged

Thank you for joining us for our five days per week, wisdom and legacy building podcast. This is day 820 of our trek, and it is time for a 3-minute mini-trek called Wisdom Unplugged.  This short nugget of wisdom includes an inspirational quote with a little bit of additional content for today’s trek.  Consider this your vitamin supplement of wisdom for today.  So let’s jump right in with today’s nugget:

Today’s quote is from Charles Swindoll and it is:  Few things are more infectious than a godly lifestyle. The people you rub shoulders with everyday need that kind of challenge. Not prudish. Not preachy. Just cracker jack clean living. Just honest to goodness, bone-deep, non-hypocritical integrity. 
Non-Hypocritical Integrity

When we think of infections, our minds go to colds, flu, or even more serious diseases.  While none of us want to be infected by or infect others with disease of any kind our lives can be infectious in a very positive manner.   Whether in churches, companies, organizations, or in politics if you are not true you will eventually be recognize as someone who is not genuine.  That is not the type of person who we should desire to emulate.   We need to live lives that are both good, and godly.  We should not just put on a mask of being a good or godly person, but actually, live a life that is genuine.  A life that may not be perfect, but is real.  When we live a life that is real, good, and godly, we do not need to be self-righteous nor to be preaching to others.  Our lives will be a shining beacon in a world that is dark.  We need to live lives to our very core that are clean, honest, good, godly and displays our non-hypocritical integrity in every area of life.   As the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:24  Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.That’s a wrap for today’s Wisdom Unplugged quote. If you would like free access to my database of over 10,000 inspirational quotes the link is available on the main page of  Just as you enjoy these nuggets of wisdom, encourage your friends and family to join us and then come along tomorrow for another day of ‘Wisdom-Trek, Creating a Legacy.' If you would like to listen to any of our past 819 treks or read the Wisdom Journal, they are available at  You can also subscribe to iTunes or Google play so that each day’s trek will be downloaded automatically.

Thank you for allowing me to be your guide, mentor, and most importantly I am your friend as I serve you in through this Wisdom-Trek podcast and journal each day.

As we take this Trek of life together, let us always:

Live Abundantly (Fully)
Love Unconditionally
Listen Intentionally
Learn Continuously
Lend to others Generously
Lead with Integrity
Leave a Living Legacy Each Day

I am Guthrie Chamberlain….reminding you to ’Keep Moving Forward,’ ‘Enjoy your Journey,' and ‘Create a Great Day…Everyday’! See you tomorrow for Wisdom Wednesday!