Day 51 - Suck It Up and Deal With It

Published: May 16, 2016, 5:15 p.m.

As we are hiking along with our new knowledge gained from our twelve waypoints, our plan is to make use of this knowledge on our 20 mile Trek today. The first part of the trail is going rather smoothly, and we are making great progress. We find a nice clearing and break for lunch before heading out again.

Suddenly, we see dark, ominous-looking clouds on the horizon in the direction that we are heading. But, we must move on towards our destination anyway. As we continue on, the wind picks up and starts to blow dust and twigs at us. We don’t like the looks of what we are heading into, but we press forward.

Soon the rains starts – small drops at first, then larger, and then sheets of rain start plummeting at us. Before long, it becomes much more difficult to keep solid footing, but we continue forward. As we head down into a ravine, we hear and then see a rush of water from a flash flood about 100 yards in front of us. It completely obliterates the trail that we are supposed to take.

Now what do we do? We don’t want to go back, as that does not lead to our destination, but now we can’t go forward. At this time, we don’t have a safe trail in front of us. It is time to panic, to give up, and to wish we had never headed out today. None of those options will help, and so it is with life sometimes.