Day 47 – (Part 4) Change Your Thinking and Life

Published: May 12, 2016, 3:15 p.m.

Explore Possibility Thinking

To be a possibility thinker you must believe that solutions exist to even the most difficult problems. When you believe something challenging can be done and then succeed at doing it, doors open and others are attracted to you. When you make things happen, it inspires others to create possibilities. When you approach difficult tasks, you have the potential to attain exceptional results. When you embrace possibility thinking, you believe in what you are doing and are energized by it. There are six different ways to stimulate possibility thinking:

Do not focus on what is impossible. Instead focus on solutions to your problems or challenges in any situation.
Stay away from experts. This may seem counter-intuitive to having a mentor, but an expert may see all that could go wrong and may discourage your dreams. It is good to take wise advice, but be leery of those individuals who are self-proclaimed experts.
Look for possibilities in every situation. Opposite of the first point, regardless of the circumstances, try to look for positive possibilities.
Dream bigger. To encourage possibility thinking, try to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone. Bigger dreams that are realistic will force you to grow.
Question the status quo. It is impossible to stay the same and also improve. Greater possibilities mean that you do not settle for the status quo.
Find inspiration from great achievers. One way for you to learn more about possibility thinking is to study great achievers. Anyone who has already achieved a level of wisdom and success also has a story of failure or tragedy.
If you embrace possibility thinking, your dreams will go from molehill to mountain size, and because you believe in possibilities, you put yourself in position to achieve them.