Day 358 – Your Life Plan Blueprint™ – WESPER Step 4: Planning - Develop Your Plan

Published: May 23, 2016, 7:30 a.m.

It is now time to get started on the 20th day of Your Life Plan Blueprint Workbook. If you missed any of the previous days in this series, they are available at On our trek today, we will begin the 4th step in the WESPER framework which is the planning phase. We will introduce planning and explore the first of three major segments of the planning process. We are taking several days to hike you through each step of creating your life plan. I would encourage you to trek with me through this process and complete the associated forms that are included Your Life Plan Blueprint Workbook.

WESPER Step 3: Planning – Develop Your Plan

If you are following along in the manual/workbook, today let’s explore the first segment of planning on pages 46-48 of Your Life Plan Blueprint. You can also view this information in the Journal for Day 358 on