Day 247 – Proverbs 7:6-9 - Another Warning About Immoral Women #2

Published: May 12, 2016, 7:15 p.m.

In verse 7, Solomon saw a young man who was naïve or “simple.” (See Day 246 for insights on a simple person.) This young man had not learned to be wise. He was in danger because he was not wise. He lacked common sense, and it was easy to tempt him. He did not think about what was right.

As we consider verse 8, we want to shout to the young man, “Stop!” This simple young man made an unwise choice by crossing the street and then found himself on the wrong path. He may have rationalized to himself that he was just crossing the street to get a closer look, but it would not hurt him. Sort of like getting a bit too close to the campfire. Remember anytime we rationalize our actions we are telling ourselves rational lies. We may convince ourselves that it is ok, but that does not make it so. He chose to cross the street which was clearly a naïve choice. Down that path, there was danger. He approached the place where the woman would tempt him.