Day 23 – (Steps 6-10) 25 Ways to Turn Failure into Success

Published: April 18, 2016, 3:05 p.m.

Hiking Obstacles
The more you fail, the more you learn more. While we should not purposely fail, we need to thrive on the wisdom and experience that we gain from failing. We need to soak it in and embrace it. Our objective each day should be to make a positive difference in the lives of others through taking action. When we take smart action we should never fear failure. We need to persevere in spite of failures. Every failure is a learning opportunity on how not to do something or how to do it better. If we are going to be an achiever then to some extent failure is the way of life. Every failure makes us much more determined to succeed. “Failure and defeat are life’s greatest teachers but sadly, most people, don’t want to go there!” Ralph Heath.
Stepping Stone #6 – Learn from your failures.