Day 215 – 7 Thought Patterns for a Rich and Satisfying Life #1

Published: April 10, 2016, 6:15 p.m.

7 Thought Patterns for a Rich and Satisfying Life

If you desire to live a life that is rich and satisfying in 2016 and beyond, then it starts with changing the way that you think. It is such a simple concept, and yet for most of us, it is so difficult to do consistently each day. Our thought patterns, our habits, and the manner in which we live is so engrained in us. To make significant and lasting changes, it takes consistent and persistent commitment to change the way we think. Changing the way we think first begins with what we allow to enter into our minds. Our minds are programmed for certain thought patterns and outcomes based on what we feed it. Today we will explore the first two thought patterns that we need to infuse into our lives to make a real and lasting change.