Day 2149 – The Gospel of John – 17 – Jesus in the Lion’s Den – Daily Wisdom

Published: June 13, 2023, 7 a.m.

Welcome to Day 2149 of Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me. This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom The Gospel of John – 17 – Jesus in the Lion's Den – Daily Wisdom Putnam Church Message – 05/29/2022 The Gospel of John – Part 3 Authentication Of The Word – Jesus in the Lion’s Den Today we continue our Good News series according to John the Apostle.  Last week we learned that many in the multitude fed bread and fish, turned away from Jesus and His teaching because it was too hard for them. The multitude were more interested in physical food than spiritual food. Today, our scripture is John 7:1-52, starting on page 1658 in the Pew Bible. We see that the religious leaders in Jerusalem have had enough of Jesus, and as He is teaching in the temple, we see Jesus in the Lion’s Den. I will read the scripture throughout the message, so keep your Bibles open to follow along.   One of my favorite Bible stories as a child was “Daniel in the Lions’ Den.” You may have heard this familiar story. An eighty-some-year-old prophet, a faithful man of integrity, had won the friendship of King Darius. But some other men grew jealous of the old man’s trusted status and schemed to kill him. A better title would be “The Lions in Daniel’s Den.” Life is the Lord’s to give or take, and there is no lion in all creation that He cannot tame. Daniel’s enemies may have thought they were in charge, but they were gravely mistaken and were a meal for the lions the next day. The lions of Jesus’ day did not prowl about on four feet. They stood tall and proud, dressed in the stunning robes of man-made righteousness, empowered by a hypocritical religion. The temple authorities in Jerusalem desired the assassination of Jesus because He continually exposed their jealousy and greed. He healed, fulfilled prophecy, forgave sins, and gave glory to the Father while keeping none for Himself. He was unlike any rabbi or any political leader anyone had ever seen. He threatened their power, and they wanted Him dead. Jesus was about to enter the lions’ den. —7:1–2—(feeding the multitude) After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want[a] to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him. 2 But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, The events in Capernaum, such as the feeding of the multitude, took place shortly before Passover (John 6:4) in March or April, and the Feast of Tabernacles (September/October) was approaching. Jesus had been ministering in Galilee for six months or more, where His “hard” teaching in the synagogue had squelched any talk of making Him king. Even after that winnowing, though,/ multitudes continued to follow in Galilee. Meanwhile, word of Jesus’s miracles and healings kept Jerusalem on edge. In fulfillment of God’s commandment found in Leviticus 23:34–44, Jewish families continued to celebrate a weeklong autumn harvest festival in temporary houses constructed for the occasion. These “tabernacles” or “tents” reminded God’s covenant people of His protection in the wilderness as they celebrated His continued provision through the harvest of produce from the Promised Land. Today Jews continue observing this festival in celebration of Sukkot. (Bulletin...