Day 1093 – Love Your Neighbor – Ask Gramps

Published: March 29, 2019, 7:03 a.m.

Wisdom-Trek / Creating a Legacy
Welcome to Day 1093 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.
This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom
Love Your Neighbor - Ask Gramps

Wisdom - the final frontier to true knowledge.  Welcome to Wisdom-Trek! Where our mission is to create a legacy of wisdom, to seek out discernment and insights, to boldly grow where few have chosen to grow before. Hello, my friend, I am Guthrie Chamberlain, your captain on our journey to increase Wisdom and Create a Living Legacy.  Thank you for joining us today as we explore wisdom on our 2nd millennium of podcasts. This is Day 1093 of our Trek and time for our Philosophy Friday series.  Each Friday we will ponder some of the basic truths and mysteries of life, and how they can impact us in creating our living legacy.  As we continue on this trek called life, sometimes we have questions about life, so our Friday trek is a time where we can ‘Ask Gramps.’   Gramps will answer questions that you would like to ask your dad or granddad, but for whatever reason, this is not possible.  No matter how old we are, I know that all of us would like the opportunity to ask dad or gramps questions about life in many areas.

We may mix it up a bit on our Friday episodes, but will strive to keep them down to earth and enjoyable.   If you have any questions that you would like to ask Gramps, please email them to

We often wonder how best to help others, but are often hesitant when other people look like they have caused their own problems by the choices we make.  The fact is that we don’t know what others are struggling with, and need to be very careful about judging others, and more willing to help.

So the question for this week is:

“Hey, Gramps, I know that the Bible tells us to love your neighbor as yourself, but what does that really mean?
Love Your Neighbor

·       The Young Man
"Love your neighbor as yourself." A commandment of Scripture, but sometimes difficult to interpret. How far does our obligation go? After all, who is our neighbor? Most of us don't even know our literal neighbors! How can we love them? What do these words really mean, to love our neighbor? Listen to this tale that I came across recently, and decipher for yourself!

Early one evening, Jim, a very successful young businessman, took his new Mercedes XLR to the mall to buy his girlfriend a Christmas present. Jim saw on his GPS that his usual route was closed off, so he decided to chance it, and go through the crazy-dangerous area of downtown to get there. Jim figured it was a better choice than having to go all the way around the city, thus adding two hours to his journey.

Well, the area he had to cut through was in the North End of the city, which was known for its gang warfare and biker bars.  What Jim did not realize is that he had chosen the completely wrong time to go through as young gang members started to gather for their nightly escapades, and certain young ladies went outside to claim their piece of the sidewalk for their nightly business of selling themselves.

At a red light, Jim stopped, and found himself in the middle of a gang war. The gang member from one group took a shot at his enemy, across the street, and Jim in his Mercedes was the unfortunate barrier between them. The bullet barely grazed his shoulder, but it started to bleed quite a bit, he cried out loudly in sharp pain. Carefully he managed to pull over and stop the car.

Jim got out of the car, intending to go get help, but in his weakened state attracted the wrong kind of attention. A couple thugs looking for some quick drug money noticed his stupor, and decided it would be easier to rough him up, than try to break into a store. They also noticed his car keys were left in the car,