“The Truth about ‘The Great Reset'”

Published: June 27, 2022, 11 a.m.

WINNING WITH THE WORD “Winning with the Word” is a weekly blog that will help you to be a winner in life by applying God’s principles for living the abundant life as found in the Bible, God’s manual for life. An invitation for you: To subscribe to this blog, click here.  To subscribe to this podcast, click here. If this blog and podcast have blessed you, please encourage your family and friends to subscribe as well. Thank you! Be sure to check out our Featured Book of the Week at the end of this post. ______________________________________   Do you prefer listening instead of reading? Then click below to listen to today’s blog post on podcast. https://media.blubrry.com/winning_with_the_word/content.blubrry.com/winning_with_the_word/The_Truth_about_the_Great_Reset.mp3 ___________________________________________________________________________ Hello and Happy Day! This is Dr. MaryAnn Diorio, novelist and life coach, welcoming you to another episode of Winning with the Word. Today is Monday, June 27, 2022, and this is Episode #26 of Series 2022. This episode is titled "The Truth about 'The Great Reset'". _________________________________________ If you have not yet heard of "The Great Reset." you will soon. In today's post, we will explore this topic and expose the lies at its foundation. So, what is The Great Reset and why do you need to know about it? The Great Reset is the name given to the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, in 2020. Convened by Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and the World Economic Forum (or WEF), this meeting brought together top business and political leaders from around the world for the purpose of taking advantage of the then current COVID crisis and to use that crisis as the launching pad for creating the New World Order.   The stated goal of the 2020 World Economic Forum meeting, as published on the official WEF website, was “to overcome income inequality, societal division and the climate crisis.” This remains the WEF's goal, and they are pursuing it with relentless passion. While, at first glance, the WEF's goal may sound noble, it is rooted in deception. In truth, the nice-sounding terminology masks anti-Biblical lies whose ultimate purpose is to enslave humanity and to usher in the New World Order under the brutal dictatorship of the Anti-Christ. A frequent expression used by the Great Resetters is "Never let a crisis go to waste." Interestingly, one of the chief topics discussed at the 2020 Conference was how best to use the COVID-19 pandemic and the theory of climate change to reset global structures. Klaus Schwab, current CEO of the World Economic Forum, said this in a statement posted on the official World Economic Forum website: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”   Reflect. Reimagine. Reset. What the Great Resetters mean by these words is not what most people mean by these words. The Great Resetters want to turn our world into a global kingdom where we own nothing and are happy. A kingdom where they call all the shots and we call none. A kingdom where we do what they say or we die.  The social structures included in their nefarious reset goals are education, health care, finance, and energy production, among others. The aim of the World Economic Forum is to restructure our world according to a model that makes the liberal, wealthy élite rulers over the rest of us. Those who promote the Great Reset are brazenly open about the fact that they want to control every human being in every aspect of his life. For the past two years, we have already witnessed and experienced that control infiltrate our daily lives in the form of lockdowns and mask mandates. Now that same control is expanding to the imminent use of a Social Score Card that will ration food, gasoline, and other life-sustaining products according to the degree of one's com...