The Dangers of the Enneagram

Published: March 16, 2020, 4:05 a.m.

WINNING WITH THE WORD “Winning with the Word” is a weekly blog that will help you to be a winner in life by applying God’s principles for living the abundant life as found in the Bible, God’s manual for life. AN INVITATION TO YOU: To follow this blog, click here.  If this blog has blessed you, please encourage your family and friends to subscribe as well. Thank you! ______________________________________       Do you prefer listening instead of reading? Then click below to listen to today’s blog post: ______________________________________________ Hello and Happy Day! This is Dr. MaryAnn Diorio, your Virtual Life Coach, welcoming you to another episode of Winning with the Word. Today is Monday, March 16, 2020. Today’s Podcast is Episode #11 in Series 2020 and is titled “The Dangers of the Enneagram." We live in an age of great delusion. Jesus prophesied that this would happen in the last days. When His disciples asked Him what would be the signs of the end times, His first words of response were, "Take heed that no one deceives you" (Matthew 24: 4). I find Christ's initial response extremely telling. The first sign Jesus gave of the endtimes was deception. He warned us that the last days would be characterized by great deception and great delusion. And He warned us to "take heed" against it. To take heed means "to guard ourselves against." Deception is the act of misleading in a wrong direction. Deception is the promulgation of a lie that will eventually lead to death, not only physically, but also morally, psychologically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. One of the signs of this great deception is the widespread infiltration into the Church of the Enneagram. Like yoga, the Enneagram has been "Christianized" to make it look innocuous. But it is far from innocuous! Perhaps you have heard of the Enneagram, or perhaps you have used it yourself. But for those of you who have never heard of it, what is the Enneagram? The Enneagram is a tool used to analyze one's personality. It became popular in the corporate world in the 1990s, and from there spread rapidly to the mainstream world. Now, sad to say, it has even  infiltrated the Church!   The Enneagram is comprised of a diagram listing the numbers one to nine. The diagram has lines that connect each number to two other numbers. According to the Enneagram Institute, the nine numbers represent the so-called "nine divine forms" found in Gnostic teachings. Gnosticism, you may recall, was the heresy that the Apostle Paul refuted in the Book of Colossians. These nine forms of the Enneagram supposedly represent man's perfect essence in unity with Divinity. Under the guise of analyzing the personality for the purpose of better understanding oneself and others, the Enneagram at its core has as its purpose a spiritual awakening. Listen to what Marcia Montenegro, a former New Age astrologer who converted to Christianity, has to say about the Enneagram: "The Enneagram purports to lead a person to not only self-understanding, but to an integration of all aspects of the self and, ultimately, to an awakening to the true Self. 'Self' is capitalized because the Self is considered by the original (and most contemporary) Enneagram teachers to be divine."  As with other things in life, we must look at the root to determine the fruit. The Enneagram has its roots in the occult. In other words, it has its roots in the demonic kingdom of Satan. Some of those roots can be traced back to mystic George Gurdjieff (1866?-1949) who was born around 1866 and lived until 1949. It is purported, although not proven, that Gurdjieff learned the Enneagram from the Sufis, a mystical subgroup of Islam.  Gurdjieff had two well-known followers--P. D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) and Oscar Ichazo (b.