Are You Being Seduced?

Published: July 26, 2021, 9 a.m.

WINNING WITH THE WORD “Winning with the Word” is a weekly blog that will help you to be a winner in life by applying God’s principles for living the abundant life as found in the Bible, God’s manual for life. AN INVITATION TO YOU: To subscribe to this blog, click here.  To subscribe to this podcast, click here. If this blog and podcast have blessed you, please encourage your family and friends to subscribe as well. Thank you! Be sure to check out our Featured Book of the Week at the end of this post. ______________________________________ t  Do you prefer listening instead of reading? Then click below to listen to today’s blog post on podcast. ______________________________________ Hello and Happy Day! This is Dr. MaryAnn Diorio, novelist and life coach, welcoming you to another episode of Winning with the Word. Today is Monday, July 26, 2021, and this is Episode #25 of Series 2021. This episode is titled “Are You Being Seduced?" _______________________________ When we think of seduction, we usually think of sexual seduction. But sexual seduction is not the only type of seduction that Satan uses to steal, kill, and destroy. This week I'd like us to take a look at the four chief types of seduction: the Seduction of Pleasure, the Seduction of Position, the Seduction of Possession, and the Seduction of Power. But first of all, let's define the word seduction so that we will all be on the same page. The word seduction comes from the Latin word, seductio, which means the act of leading or drawing aside. According to Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary, seduction is "the act of enticing from the path of duty."  One reason I greatly appreciate Noah Webster's Dictionary is that, when he defines a word, he often includes a Biblical allusion. As a Christian, he honored God's Word. For example, in defining seduction, Noah Webster adds this admonition against it: "The best safeguard is principle, the love and purity of holiness, the fear of God and reverence for His commandments." Now that we've defined seduction, let's take a look at the four chief categories or types of seduction. Most, if not all, forms of seduction will fall into these four categories. 1.___The Seduction of Pleasure. This is commonly known as sexual seduction and is a primary tool of Satan to destroy young people, single people, and married people. Women have powerful influence over men. At the same time, men are often clueless to the seductive wiles of women and can easily succumb to those wiles. Women have a great responsibility to be pure and holy in dress, in speech, in mannerisms, and in actions. Perhaps even more than men, a woman has within her the power to destroy or the power to build. Women, don't take that power lightly. And men, be aware of that power in women. Today, Satan is blatantly using sexual seduction to bring down families, churches, and institutions that should be the bedrocks of a moral society. Both men and women must be continually on guard against sexual seduction. So be alert to sexual seduction and flee from it. Remember 1 Peter chapter 5, verse 8: "Be alert and of sober mind.Your enemy the devil prowls around, like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." Don't be that someone! 2.___The Seduction of Position. We live in a status-sensitive culture. People jostle for position at work, in organizations, and, sad to say, even in the Church. Worldly position is not something to be desired. The only position we should desire is our position in Christ.   Scripture tells us that it is God who promotes. We read in Psalm 75: 7: "But God is the Judge; He puts down one and exalts another." We also learn from Scripture that humility precedes promotion. In Matthew 23: 12, we read: "Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."