0.06: Romans: The Movie

Published: March 25, 2014, noon


Show Notes


In which we talk at length about art and the arts in the context of Christianity, taking the three religiously themed movies in theaters right now as our jumping off point.



  • God\\u2019s Not Dead (2:56\\u201310:09) \\u2013 propositions in movie format, a.k.a. a tract.
  • \\n
  • Son of God (10:09\\u201318:45) \\u2013 moving higher on the art scale, and not trying to be big (in contrast with e.g. The Passion of the Christ).
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  • Noah (18:45\\u201326:06) \\u2013 all art, not so much on the textual fidelity. We might be okay with that.
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  • \\u201cHeaven Thrown In\\u201d (26:06\\u201331:04) \\u2013 on how aiming to start a conversation sometimes has the opposite effect, and how making good art sometimes produces a great conversation.
  • \\n

Aside: Stephen made a tent to record in his hotel room in Indianapolis (visual proof here). Some scratchy audio from the blanket ensued, but so did clean audio for his voice. See what we do for you listeners?






(This week, sorted alphabetically rather than by the order mentioned in the show\\u2026 because I have no idea what order we introduced the books in the show.)
