Set Free - Week 4

Published: Oct. 6, 2019, 10 a.m.


Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

What was something as a kid that someone else had that you wanted?

Digging Deeper:

Read Proverbs 14:30 and Ecclesiastes 4:4-6. What is the main theme of these verses?
What does envy do? Why?
Where do you find your biggest temptation for you to compare yourself against others (social media, social gatherings, the gym, work, etc.)?
Life Application:

How have you seen jealousy take away your joy?
Rob talked about comparing up and comparing down. What are some of the dangers that can come from both?
This Sunday we looked at two parables, is there anything you learned about yourself as the stories were told?
Have you ever gotten off track trying to be someone else or chasing someone else\\u2019s goals?
Why do we not need to be envious of anyone else? How can we live freely and experience joy because of Jesus\\u2019 work on the cross? How would this impact the way you treat others around you?
Further Reading and reflection:

Galatians 5:16-26, James 3:16-17

What is said about the dangers of not walking with the Lord in the middle of jealousy?

What is the wisdom from above?
