Living My Best Life - Week 6

Published: Nov. 24, 2019, 10 a.m.


Life Group Questions

Opening Question:

What was your favorite sport growing up? What is your favorite sport now?
Scripture Reading: Read Philippians 3:12-21

Observation Questions:

1.\\tIn verse 12 Paul is aware that he hasn\\u2019t \\u201cfully attained\\u201d spiritual maturity or \\u201carrived at [his] goal\\u201d. Why is this important for us to know?

2.\\tReread verse 13. What is significant here?

3.\\tReread verse 18? Why is weeping significant?

Life Application Questions:

1.\\tPaul defines maturity as realizing he hasn\\u2019t \\u201carrived at [his] goal\\u201d yet is \\u201cstraining toward what\\u2019s ahead.\\u201d There is a tension of striving toward what\\u2019s ahead and realizing we aren\\u2019t there yet. Before we strive ahead, we must be self aware and realize that we aren\\u2019t there yet.
a.\\tWhat areas in your spiritual life would you like to grow? (Honoring God, Serving, Witnessing)

2. How has your past weighed you down? Where have you let your past weigh you down or keep you from achieving what God has called you to do?

3. Paul says to, \\u201cjoin together\\u201d and to \\u201ckeep your eyes on those who live as we do.\\u201d Spend some time as a group sharing and affirming how others in your group have inspired you to follow God. How can this be a regular practice for your group?

4. There are people all around us that are \\u201cenemies of the cross\\u201d. (We were at one time in our disobedience enemies of God (Col. 1:21). Do you weep for enemies of the Cross? Who are 3 people in your life (Live, Work, Play) who you are praying for, that they would come to know Jesus? What are you doing to share Jesus with them? Invite them to Church?

5. Where have you seen God work powerfully despite your weaknesses? Spiritual maturity is knowing our limitations, but walking in God\\u2019s limitless power.


Spend time praying for God\\u2019s transforming power in our lives and spend time praying for each other.
