Consider The Following: Sin's Nature - 16 April 2013 at Bingham Park

Published: April 16, 2013, 6:41 a.m.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 The nature of sin. Audio Blog Jeremiah 14:20-22 NLT Lord, we confess our wickedness and that of our ancestors, too. We all have sinned against you. For the sake of your reputation, Lord, do not abandon us. Do not disgrace your own glorious throne. Please remember us, and do not break your covenant with us. Can any of the worthless foreign gods send us rain? Does it fall from the sky by itself? No, you are the one, O Lord our God! Only you can do such things. So we will wait for you to help us. _______________________________ Sin by definition is an offence against God. God is the source of good. So evil is the absence from a situation of God's character, rule or word. Evil is man's suppression of God from thier lives. If you or I continue down our path of sin and wickedness we are trying to get as far away from God as possible. But as we abandon God, we leave behind light, forgiveness, mercy, grace, hope, love, life, and righteousness. Every selfish act, every unthankful act of independence and unbelief is an abominable act deserving death. In fact if the offender is left to himself and it was possible his head long run away from God is a run away from life itself. Every act of greed, envy, or lust plunges us further into darkness. Each lie, harsh word, or worst of all, every act of ignoring God makes us a condemned sinner. Truly, we have all sinned. But God has made promises. God intends to save the world from sin. And it is for the sake of his reputation not our worthiness that we should ask for his help. God deserves to be worshiped. God is worthy of praise. God should be on everyone's lips. God should be seen for who he is, good, holy, full of power, compassionate, loving, and graciously able to forgive. It is our concern for the record to be set straight concerning God that will motivate our repentance. He tells the truth. So he should be believed. He created everything so we are answerable to him for our purpose. He is gracious and good, so he should be praised. Our only hope is God. We must follow Jeremiah's example and pray a prayer of repentance and praise. God is the only one that can help us.