Searching for Identity

Published: March 17, 2019, 8:59 a.m.

Everyone, at one time or another, goes through an identity crisis. Maybe it happens during the teenage years, or maybe it happens during middle-age, but one way or another we will all ask that question, “Who am I?” And when we don’t know the answer, it’s a scary reality to face. After all, our identity is our definition, our self-perception, and our meaning. It’s everything. So, we search hard for it in a lot of different places, often defining ourselves by sexuality, citizenship, or career. But the Bible points us to something much deeper – our identity as children of God. Children who chose to be orphans, and orphans who need to be adopted. The need to belong is common to every human’s identity, and the solution is the adoption of a loving Father through the sacrifice of his only Son.