Michele Bachman, John McCain... HUMOR

Published: June 1, 2013, 2:09 p.m.

b'Here is my weekly round up of the political follies on Capital Hill, the hi-lights and low-life\'s of this weeks news.

Before I start I want to tell you something I never knew... fish don\'t sleep! They get in a state that\'s like sleep but they look awake.

"I get it now!"

Congress: lives in a State of confusion must be a form of sleep.

Michele Bachman... She is confident on not running, that was her statement. However, I\'m pretty confident that she won\'t win if she doesn\'t run.

John McCain... I was part of the press core on the 2008 election and the press was in the back of the house at the campaign headquarters. They were screaming and yelling saying "We are Close! We\'re gonna win!"... Meanwhile we, the younger generation, had our smart phones and "The Google" and knew that he had already lost.

Internal Revenue Service... How can we call it a service - Isn\'t the motto of business, "
If you are a tea party person, the acronym for IRS is I\'m Really Getting Screwed!

Chinese Hackers... Some Chinese hackers hacked in and took some of the plans to our weapons, planes, and helicopters. I don\'t know why we are worried. I mean if the Chinese make these planes or helicopters they will be made out of LEAD and IF they get off the ground,'