Guns should be seen and not heard WRWT

Published: Sept. 20, 2013, 9:35 p.m.

b'Will Roberts talks with Editor Mary Noble
Senior Editor of News ...
Mary Noble has been Senior Editor of Politix since its inception. She successfully spearheaded the boot-up of the new site from conception to actuality with the Politix mobile launch in March.
Las Vegas Conservative Radio Host John Brislin
The John Brislin Show is recorded live and takes calls on AM 720 LAS VEGAS every Saturday night at 11:00pm \\u2013 1am. You can subscribe for free and hear the rebroadcasts at . Join me to raise the level of conversation and the level of America.The John Brislin Show a political talk radio show that is much more than news. The news only looks backward. John Brislin analyzes the facts to offer the forward looking intelligence source that Americans need as we work for the future that we deserve. He turns the double-talk into straight-talk! He hits hard and tells it like it is!

The John Brislin Show raises the level of conversation, which is how we raise the level of our country. Join John Brislin in the fight to move America forward, one voice at a time!John Brislin has served on several political campaigns including three Congressional, one US Senate, one Lieutenant Governor, one state senate, and one city council.
He has a business background in financial planning. When he was a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch, he was part of an eight person, elite group within the firm that managed approximately $900 million dollars in financial assets.

Locked and loaded ! Here we go!

Will Roberts'