What God Is Like, Part 3 (Matthew 13)

Published: July 25, 2020, 3 p.m.

The Bible says that the life and character of Jesus is itself the clearest, best revelation of who God is, what God is like. One of the authors of the Bible describes Jesus as “the radiance of God’s glory and exact representation of God’s being” (Hebrews 1:3). And then Jesus also tells stories about what God is like, called parables. Matthew 13 records eight of these parables—intended to describe what he calls the kingdom of heaven.

In Part One of this series we looked at the first parable: one in which Jesus compares God to a farmer. He invites us to trust God and what God’s seed is doing in the world, and to cultivate lives of faith.

Last week in Part Two we explored three more parables: Weeds, Seeds, and Yeast. The stories point to a God who is already at work in all corners of the world, whose Spirit is often hidden but always present. The parables also warn us of an enemy who sows deceit and sometimes obscures our perception of God. God is patient and forgiving and just. And we also ought to exercise patience and forgiveness.

Today we are going to look at the last four parables in Matthew 13, recorded in verses 44-52. I’ll give you a little bit of background about the phrase: kingdom of heaven, then a little lesson in semantics and grammar. I hope by the time we’re done that you will have a clearer, deeper sense of how you fit in God’s creation and in your community. I hope I can give you some tools and pathways for growing in faith. And I hope you come away inspired to find ways to bless, encourage, and help others.


Belonging to and with one another in Christ.

Reflect this week on Matthew 13:44-46. Consider that YOU are the pearl, YOU are the treasure, YOU are the one with whom God is pursuing a love relationship that is real and personal. How does it impact your life to know that you matter to God? Receive God’s devotion and faithful promise. Say “yes.”

Becoming more like and closer to Jesus.

Reflect this week on Matthew 13:52. Think about old and new treasures. Recall something “old”—something (or someone) that used to strengthen or encourage your relationship with God—a prayer, an old hymn, a Bible verse, a picture, maybe a friend, a family member, or pastor. Pull it out of the proverbial closet see how God might want you to share it with someone else.

Or consider something “new.” Is there a practice, a technology, a book, an idea, a new song or new Bible verse that the Spirit is inviting you to adopt or practice in order to grow more like or closer to Jesus?

Blessing others, for the sake of the world and the glory of God.

Text three people right now and tell them that they matter: to you and to God. That you love them. That God loves them. Quote Bob the Tomato: “God made you special and loves you very much.” 

Hold those three people in your prayers this week, asking God to bless them and reveal His love to them in ways that are real and personal. 

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