The More Things Change, Rev. Chris Ode, Living Stones Prison Congregation

Published: June 27, 2020, 8 p.m.


Today's podcast explores two stories from the Bible. In one, St. Paul confronts a group of early Christians concerning their reliance on themselves instead of Christ. In the other, Jesus speaks to the crowds of our responsibilities to God and to each other. Through the unique lens of a prison congregation and its worship team, we explore how these lessons still speak to us today.

Galatians 3:1-14


Established in 2006, Living Stones Prison Congregation is a ministry of the ELCA operating "behind the walls" of the Washington Corrections Center (Shelton). Pastor Chris Ode spends his time ministering directly to the members of the congregation, developing reentry resources and opportunities, and sharing stories from "the inside" with outside congregations and community groups. He lives happily with the funniest woman on earth, two inquisitive young children, and a pair of loyal - but dense - Labrador Retrievers. In his spare time, he produces and performs with a local theatre and film company.  Learn more about Living Stones at 

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