Sunday Sermon - Prepare the Way of Light in the Darkness

Published: Dec. 18, 2022, 5:09 p.m.

An extended Sunday Sermon edition of Wilderness Wanderings!  The text is Luke 1:57-80 from the New International Version of the Bible.  Dive In discussion questions are below for further reflection!

To see this sermon in the context of the worship service it comes from, find it here on YouTube.  Or, head to our website to connect with the worshiping community of Immanuel CRC:


  1. When you think of darkness (like the kind spoken of in v. 79)—what sorts of things come to mind? What is that darkness?  What do you think that darkness might be in our secular world today?
  2. What might have the people of Zechariah & Elizabeth’s town thought that the darkness was?  What kind of salvation were they looking for?
  3. What knowledge of salvation was John to give the people?  How was that different from what they were looking for?  How was it the same (even if it addressed the problems of darkness in a different way)?
  4. What sin do you struggle with in the darkness of your own heart? 
  5. How will you join the work of the kingdom of light within our world this week?
  6. Zechariah speaks as though God’s redemption & salvation have already happened, even though Jesus hadn’t yet come the first time. Why was he able to speak like that? Even though Jesus hasn’t yet come the second time, why are we able to speak like that?