5: Episode 5: Big Granty - Royal Marine, Bodyguard, World Champion Body Builder

Published: Jan. 29, 2020, 6 a.m.

Episode 5: Big Granty - Royal Marine, Bodyguard, World Champion Body Builder

Show Notes
- Born and raised in South Africa and living through the Apartheid years
- Moving to the UK and joining the Royal Marines
- Highs and lows of life during Royal Marines training and overcoming physical and mental boundaries
- Mental health challenges upon leaving the Royal Marines
- Working in the maritime security sector
- Carving his physique and future during the boredom of maritime security
- Moving from Maritime Security to the Close Protection sector and guarding Royalty, Celebrities and High profile clients from all over the world
- Taking his hobby of bodybuilding to the next level
- Goal setting
-  Mindset into overdrive!
- Becoming a retained Firefighter
- "Be stronger than your weakest excuse"
-  24 hours in a day; USE IT!
- Support from Family
- Setting an example and following your dreams
- "Be the hardest worker in the room; even if you're the only person in the room"
- Winning Miami Pro Universe
- Pro Card and winning the 'Pure Elite' World Championships
- Dealing with the sudden death of his sister
- Helping others with their mental health
- Looking forward to the World Championships in Bahamas

Episode web links:
- Instagram @big_granty
- https://www.biggranty.com
- https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/royalmarines

Need some support:
- https://www.mind.org.uk/
- https://www.samaritans.org/
- https://rock2recovery.co.uk/

- https://www.plymouthgin.co.uk
- https://www.redrok.co.uk
- https://www.plymoutharmedforcesawards.co.uk

Wild Ones Podcast Links:
- Website https://www.wildonespodcast.co.uk
- Patreon https://www.patreon.com/join/3482171/signup
- Twitter https://twitter.com/wildonespodcast
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In loving memory of all those we have lost along the way