#-46: Why I am Grateful for Change in 2019

Published: Nov. 28, 2019, 2:03 a.m.

You’re likely reading this after some form of a Thanksgiving gathering/meal. Maybe you traveled or maybe you stayed put and hosted. Maybe (but I doubt it) the day was only full of joy and loving emotions. More than likely, it was a mix of love, laughter, chaos, some emotional tension or frustration, and maybe a meltdown.

While I’d love for this to be an episode that only encourages you, my most important goal with WifeMotherLeader is meeting women where they are, in the messiness of family and work life. That mix isn’t always pretty and is almost never balanced.

So, I am grateful for you. I am grateful that you take time to share your journey with me. And, I am grateful that I get to have my own journey, even when it’s messy and hard. I hope that in the midst of this holiday, you have things to be grateful for, even if they are messy.

Happy Thanksgiving.

As I reflected on this year, the things I am most grateful for are:

  1. Change
  2. Accountability
  3. Self-awareness
  4. Becoming a better listener
  5. My Faith
  6. My Family

What are you grateful for this year?