Moon Magick

Published: Feb. 8, 2020, 6:49 a.m.

b'I will be going over some some moon magick rituals ideas. Please note the Goddesses moon phases names I suck at pronouncing. New/Dark Moon - The Crone Goddesses: Morrigan, Holda, Nephtys, Sedna, Nyx, Hel, Cerridwen, Hekate, Lilith, Baba Yaga, Cailleach, Kali Crescent Moon - The Maiden Goddesses: Diana, Artemis, Blodeuwedd, Flora, Idunn, Perspephone, Aphrodite, Freya, Ishtar, Hathor, Oshun, Maeve Full Moon - The Mother Goddesses: Isis, Demeter, Yemanja, Rhiannon, Selena, Arianrhod, Brigid, Epona, Gaia, Hestia, Danu, Kuan Yin, Mary. Please note links for references.'