26 – America’s Sweethearts

Published: Feb. 12, 2018, 5 a.m.

You loved Julia Roberts, John Cusack, Catherine Zeta Jones, and Billy Crystal in, uh, all the stuff they've been in that you might have liked them in. Now see them as you've never seen them before- horribly unlikable, bitchy, and barely two-dimensional! Join America's REAL sweethearts Leigh, Brendan, and Chris as we kick back with a fruit cocktail and popcorn and snipe about the questionable satire, the utter lack of character development, and how little rom and com is in this ostensible romcom. How do we take this inconsequential bit of cinematic nothingness and make it better? Well, there's lot of alcohol involved. Be our Valentines by liking us at facebook.com/whywatchpodcast or rating us on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. KIKIIIIIIIII :( Continue reading