The Circadian Rhythm Sleep Hack: Kristen Holmes and Emily Capodilupo discuss the benefits of Sleep Consistency.

Published: April 3, 2019, 3 a.m.


How to improve your sleep by maintaining your circadian rhythm: WHOOP VP of Performance Kristen Holmes and Director of Analytics Emily Capodilupo talk about the benefits of Sleep Consistency (3:38), where the idea came from (5:49), what we've seen in WHOOP data (9:13), spending more time in deeper stages of sleep (10:31), behaviors that can help (11:32), a case study of a team that traveled west but stayed on Eastern time (14:12), and how it benefited them (17:07), Connor Jaeger's preparation for the 2016 Olympics (19:34), other methods for handling time zone changes (20:26), including a bedtime routine (21:12) and splitting the difference pre-travel (22:05), and getting better sleep despite actually spending less time in bed (23:07).

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