How Sleep Impacts Performance: Kristen Holmes and Emily Capodilupo discuss the benefits of REM and slow wave sleep, effects of sleep deprivation, how much sleep you need, and the best ways to maximize the efficiency of your time in bed.

Published: Jan. 7, 2020, 9 p.m.


Why is sleep important for everything you do? Kristen Holmes and Emily Capodilupo talk about sleep architecture and the 4 stages of sleep (2:30), what happens when your sleep is cut short (4:51), the benefits of slow wave and REM sleep (7:42), mood regulation (15:09), not knowing you're sleep deprived (17:16), a needed culture shift with how we view lack of sleep (22:15), how much sleep we actually should get (25:06), time asleep vs time in bed (26:14), experimenting to determine your sleep need (33:19), sleep regularity (37:24), why your body performs better when it can anticipate sleep (41:33), and tips to fall asleep when your body wants to (44:51).

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