Calories: Nutritionist Kassandra Hobart joins Kristen Holmes and Emily Capodilupo to discuss exactly what calories are, how your body uses them, the challenges in tracking them, plus tips for being smarter and healthier with how you consume them.

Published: Nov. 12, 2019, 8 p.m.


Nutritionist Kassandra Hobart chats with WHOOP VP of Performance Kristen Holmes and Director of Analytics Emily Capodilupo about the science of calorie tracking, including what calories really are (4:01), basal metabolic rate and the ways your body burns calories (4:26), a recent update to improve how WHOOP tracks caloric burn (9:04), food label inaccuracies and other things that make calorie counting difficult (11:09), if weighing food helps (14:50), why eating slowly and in a restful state is so important (18:16), general guidelines for where your calories should come from (22:56) and why this varies depending on your goals (25:06), why food timing matters (29:12), how calories affect your sleep (32:18), and the biggest misconceptions people have about calories (38:55).

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