Transformational Transportation

Published: March 3, 2021, 11 a.m.

Happy Anniversary to us! We are celebrating our first year anniversary of Whitehall Works. 2020 was a difficult year to keep new episodes coming to your podcast player. We are looking forward to this year, and a more normal schedule with great topics. We've talked about transportation before ( (episode 5)), and this time we have a different twist on the subject. Transformational transportation and economic development. There are number of reasons why we have an interest in transportation and the options it creates for our community. To recap a bit on Episode 5, we covered more of the day to day transportation as an attraction, retention and expansion strategy for business. And also how it is a workforce development and community development strategy. The strategy is to develop transportation alternatives and to rethink the ways communities develop their land-use and transportation patterns. This can bring more jobs and talent to a community as well as for communities to be well-rounded and sustainable for the long term. To dive into the future of transportation, we welcome Thea Walsh Ewing from (MORPC) (Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission). Thea gives us some background on MORPC and its role in transportation in the mid-Ohio region, and well as how MORPC is working toward preparing for growth. All from the lenses of adapting to the new normal from the pandemic. We also get into more detail about the (LinkUS Mobility Initiative), (Gohio Commute), and hyperloop and rail options. (The State of the Region) is one of Central Ohio’s most significant events of the year. Being presented virtually in 2021, we will highlight community accomplishments and showcase upcoming plans for leading our region into the future. Wednesday, March 31, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Plus, Mayor Kim Maggard invites you to join the City of Whitehall for our virtual (2021 State of the City Address) on Thursday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m. The event is free and open to any interested community member. A link to the virtual event will be emailed out by March 15. The theme of the address, as well as our 2020 Annual Report, is Decade of Opportunity. Join Jenna and Zach monthly as they have representatives from Franklin County (OH), as well as special guests from government and other organizations, to talk about different topics that are important throughout the Central Ohio region.  That's part of the reason we named this podcast Whitehall Works. (The City of Whitehall (OH)) is working with a lot of different partners on transportation, affordable housing and workforce development. These are just some of the important topics that not only the City of Whitehall (OH) is working on, but everyone needs to work on.