WCI #284: HSAs, 529s, and Donor Advised Funds

Published: Oct. 13, 2022, 6:30 a.m.


Dr. Dahle and Dr. Spath tackle your questions around HSAs\\u2014specifically the reimbursement process and if you can reimburse yourself for past expenses before the HSA is open. Hint: You cannot! They also get into opening 529 accounts for family members that are not your children. They talk about charitable giving and the fees that are often associated with that as well as donor advised funds and asset allocation inside of those. They answer a few different asset allocation questions, which is always interesting because determining asset allocation in any category is always personal and the answer to every question is, "It depends." They also answer questions about TIPS, captive insurance, and more. See the full show notes here:\\xa0https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/hsas-529s-and-donor-advised-funds-284
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