188: Dr. Rick Hodes, a Life Dedicated to Service

Published: Dec. 10, 2020, 7:30 a.m.

The work of Dr. Rick Hodes in Ethiopia is inspiring. He is working in an international inter-religious, interfaith, inter-ethnic environment to make the world a better place. He is the doctor we wrote we wanted to be in our medical school admission essay. We talk about how he got started practicing medicine internationally, the interesting work that he has done, and the many people that he has been able to help. We discuss the finances behind work like this and the effort put into fundraising. Some people have criticized international aid programs saying they are doing more harm than good and we get into that too. Many of our profession are suffering from burnout. Dr. Hodes has some advice on that as well, 30+ years into his career. We also talk about how you can help. For not a lot of money, we can help a lot of people. Rick shows us what a true calling in medicine can look like. Take a listen and see if you find this interview as inspiring as I did.

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