I Found The Answer To My Issues

Published: March 12, 2023, 10 a.m.

Welcome to "When Ebenezer Talks: Sunday Conversations," a podcast where wisdom meets worship. In this episode, we're honored to have Pastor Milton Bunting guide us through the enlightening subject, "I Found The Answer To My Issues," based on Luke 8:43-44.

Tune in as Pastor Bunting dives into the biblical narrative, unraveling the profound lessons within the story of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment. Drawing from Luke 8:43-44, he explores the transformative power of faith and the profound impact of encountering the Divine in the midst of life's challenges.

Experience the richness of Pastor Bunting's preaching as he delves into the nuances of the scripture, offering insights that resonate with the complexities of our own lives. The message is not just about historical events but a timeless revelation of finding answers and healing in the presence of the Divine.

Join us in this episode of "When Ebenezer Talks" for a soul-nourishing conversation that transcends the boundaries of time. Subscribe now and let Pastor Milton Bunting's wisdom inspire and guide you as you navigate your own journey in search of answers to life's challenges.