What Is 1956

Published: April 19, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

What's this then? Well history friend this is 1956! And it's here because, after trying to start a new feed with these sample episodes in it, I decided it just wasn't working, and that it would be better to do something more sensible, and plonk them in the regular WDF feed, so here we are! 1956 - The Eventful Year is a brand new series designed to bring you closer to the events of this incredible year in history. While on the surface, 1956 may appear like any other year of the 20th century - perhaps with less to offer than many other candidates - it is in fact rich with intrigue, fascinating characters,struggles, triumphs and tragedies. This series is actually a PATREON exclusive series, for supporters of this podcast at the $5 level or higher on When Diplomacy Fails' Patreon page. However, all listeners here will be able to listen, for free, to four episodes out of this exclusive series. Two of which will be available from launch day. The question of what 1956 actually is can be answered by a quick gander at its structure - the series will be split into two distinct parts, since so much goes on, it only makes sense to approach the year in this way. The first part examines life after Stalin, and asks what happened in the Soviet Union when Nikita Khrushchev assumed power. The second part traces the eruption of the Suez Crisis, largely from the British perspective. **************** If you're interested in learning more about WDF, then you know where to go! Sign up to our NEWSLETTER for the latest news and deals! In April and May subscribers get 20% OFF my Thirty Years War book, so don't delay! sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/a0d49eec863c/wdfpodcast Want to grab yourself some quality, stylish head/ear phones and get 15% off? Use the code WDF15 to avail of this special offer and start your listening journey with When Diplomacy Fails like never before! See: https://www.sudio.com/eu/ Want to support this podcast in other ways, as we meander through the Korean War? Check out the following links to our social media, shop, website, source materials and Patreon below. History Podcasting Platform: http://www.wdfpodcast.com/history-podcasting-platform/ Official shop where you can pick up all manner of podcast-related goodies: http://www.wdfpodcast.com/shop/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WhenDiplomacyFailsPodcast/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1856652614380207 Twitter: https://twitter.com/?lang=en Support us financially on Patreon and access an ad-free episodes ($2 per month) and an hour of extra content ($5 per month): https://www.patreon.com/WhenDiplomacyFails Visit the website: http://www.wdfpodcast.com/ Visit the blog: http://www.wdfpodcast.com/thevassalstate/ Look at our sources: http://www.wdfpodcast.com/source-materials/ Remember spreading the word by telling a history friend about us is still the most effective way to spread the history love! Thanksss :D  

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