Why Christians Can't Vote Democrat This Year

Published: Sept. 26, 2020, midnight

The Democrat Party is animated by unbiblical ideas.  This isn't to say that individual politicians are evil.  Maybe they are and maybe they aren't.  That's not the issue.  What's important is that we understand the major ideas of the party itself and get past the vitriol and character attacks that abound this election year.  

To start, the Democrat party is fundamentally Marxist at this point.  They have no tolerance for free speech they disagree with, hate the 2nd Amendment (and the principle of self-defense upon which it stands), and are literally jailing Christians that dare worship in public today in defiance of their lockdown orders.  The claim by the left that Donald Trump is a dictator is preposterous in that the President, despite his flaws, supports both freedom of religion and the right to bear arms.  No dictator supports those things.  A tyrant that wants you armed and free to worship is like a virgin rapist - a contradiction in terms.  

Second, the Democrats are pro-abortion.  No greater political evil exists today than the wholesale slaughter of the one million babies that lose their lives every year on the altar of convenience and sexual liberty.  

And lastly, the Democrats, by pushing the State as the answer for all things, are idolatrous.  God is the One who provides, not government.  But to hear Democrats say it, there's no area of life whatsoever that government shouldn't be in charge.  In this way, the State is God and encourages people to look to government, and have faith in it rather than the living God.  Families and charities are obliterated by the idolatrous state!  

In all, the Republican Party has its problems.  That's true.  This isn't to say they're God's party.  It's simply to say that the Democrats are clearly anti-Christian and no Christ follower should support their evil agenda.